
The point of the blog

As the title would imply, the point of the blog is so that the few that would read this would be encouraged and edified. The reason why I wanted to start a blog that would encourage and edify the followers of Christ is because I myself have been encouraged and edified by online blog sources. I hope to do that through my writing.

As much as I would love to cater to all the things that interest all the people, I simply can't. Furthermore, this is my blog and I will probably write about stuff that interests me deeply, which is primarily the Bible, theology, doctrine, books, worship music, and current news in the evangelical world.


Now, you may be saying who is this guy and why should I read his posts? Or you may not be asking that, but that isn't the point. My name is Chris Young Won Kim. As you can guess, I have been called a myriad of different names, such as Old, Old One, Young One, Young Two, Young Three, etc. Which is why I go by the name Chris. Also I am currently a Worship Leader for a English Ministry at a Korean Presbyterian Church in Southern California. I hope on becoming, God willing, a pastor so that I can teach the Word of God. I also love reading books, coffee, the Bible, and theological debates.  

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